Foil Stamping, Embossing & Debossing
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F O I L S TA M P I N G , E M B O S S I N G & D E B O S S I N G
F O I L S TA M P I N G , E M B O S S I N G & D E B O S S I N G
Designers and clients love foil and embossing because these finishes are so impactful when executed well. Our Kensol foil stamper (12"x 24"), Saroglia foil stamper, embossing/debossing press (20"x 29") and Ijima embossing/de-bossing and die cutting press (28"x 40") allow us to emboss, deboss, die cut and foil a wide variety of materials. Click here for Specifications & Tips
Foil stamping is omnipresent in our daily lives, from wine and food labels to packaging for every type of consumer product. As your single resource for complete foil stamping, embossing and related services, Fastkit can help you grab your share of this business.Foil stamping at Fastkit is far more than just gold or silver. We have hundreds of foils available in many foil families:
- Metallic
- Pigments and Tints
- Satin
- Matte
- Pearlescent
- Clear
- Holographics
- Specialty finishes, patterns and more